Monday 27 July 2015

10 year old girl used in bombing in Damaturu

Unknown | Monday, July 27, 2015 |
Bloom Gist: 10 year old girl used in bombing in Damaturu
Not less than 19 people have died while 47 others wounded when explosives carried by a 10 year old girl detonated in a crowded market in the city of Damaturu, State police command confirms this.

So far no one has claimed responsibility for Sunday's explosion but the latest attack bears the hallmarks of the armed group Boko Haram.

Toyin Gbadegesin, The state police spokesman told newsmen that the bomber, "a female of about 10 years old capitalised on the crowded entrance of the market where screening was being conducted and detonated the device".

At least two other females were killed in the attack.

Hundreds of people have been killed in bombings and shootings across northern Nigeria since Muhammadu Buhari was inaugurated as president on May 29.

He has made a number of changes aimed at tackling the insurgency, including replacing his defence chiefs.
Bloom Gist: Fighting Boko Haram has fast become a top priority as the lawlessness in northeastern Nigeria continues
Fighting Boko Haram has fast become a top priority as the lawlessness in northeastern Nigeria continues [Getty Images]

President Buhari moved Nigeria's defence command centre to Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram, and has worked with counterparts in neighbouring countries to set up a multinational force with headquarters in Chad's capital, N'Djamena.

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Boko Haram, which controlled large expanses of territory at the end of 2014, have been pushed out of most of that territory by Nigerian troops in the last few months, with military help from neighbouring Chad, Niger, and Cameroon.

Since then, Boko Haram, which wants to form an Islamic state, has carried out attacks in Nigeria's north as well as neighbouring countries.

On Saturday, at least 19 people were killed in a suicide bombing in the northernCameroonian town of Maroua.
Bloom Gist: Hundreds of people have been killed in bombings and shootings across northern Nigeria since Muhammadu Buhari was inaugurated as president on May 29
President Buhari moved Nigeria's defence command centre to Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram


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