Monday 20 July 2015

FIFA presidential election to be held on February 26

Unknown | Monday, July 20, 2015 |
Bloom Gist: FIFA presidential election to be held on February 26
FIFA president Sepp Blatter has announced that Fifa will hold an extraordinary congress to elect its new president on 26 February 2016.

Sepp Blatter was re-elected as president on 29 May but four days later announced his intention to stand down amid two investigations into corruption at football's world governing body.

Candidates for the position must be nominated before 26 October.

UEFA president Michel Platini has been asked by a majority of world football chiefs to stand for the post.

By the time of the vote, Blatter will have been in office for almost nine months from the date of his 2 June resignation speech.

He is not expected to backtrack on his announcement to stand aside, despite appearing to suggest in June he was reconsidering his decision.

Video: Comedian Simon Brodkin spreads cash on Sepp Blatter before FIFA press Conference

Prince Ali bin al-Hussein who lost to Blatter in the May election had earlier on Monday called Sepp Blatter to leave his post immediately.

"President Blatter's resignation cannot be dragged out any longer. He must leave now," he said.

"An interim independent leadership must be appointed to administer the process of the elections, in addition to the reforms that are being discussed prior to the elections."

Sources said a reform task force will be be announced by Blatter at Monday's news conference.

Source: BBC, SkySports,
Photo Credit: Getty Images


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