Tuesday 21 July 2015

Ondo workers gives Mimiko seven-day ultimatum to pay their salaries or face them

Unknown | Tuesday, July 21, 2015 |
Bloom Gist: Ondo workers gives Mimiko seven-day ultimatum to pay their salaries or face them
Ondo Statecivil service workers have given Governor Olusegun Mimiko a seven-day ultimatum to pay their outstanding salaries or face an indefinite strike.

Under the umbrella body of the Joint Negotiating Council (JNC), the workers gave the ultimatum after a meeting held with labor leaders during the week in Akure.

The workers in a protest statement issued and signed after the meeting by ‎the Council Chairman, Comrade Sunday Adelegan, ‎the workers said they are now living an unbearable without their owed pay.

Ondo State was among the more than 14 indebted states owing backlogs of salaries.

"The meeting however aggravates the untold hardship of the delay in the payment of salaries to workers and observed that, life is no longer bearable and pride of being Civil Servants has become a thing of the past.

"Your Excellency, it is quite imperative to inform you that, deductions for March, April and full salaries for May and June 2015 are yet to be paid," the statement said.

It disclosed ‎that the workers in the state are already feeling hopeless, dejected and frustrated as they could no longer meet up with their family's responsibilities.

"The feelings of the entire workers are full of hopelessness, disenchantment, frustration and economic enslavement of highest order since they could no longer meet their social and family responsibilities," the JNC stated.


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