Thursday 2 July 2015

The endless gridlock at Oshodi-Apapa express way and the hardship it places on the business operators in Lagos

Unknown | Thursday, July 02, 2015 |
The gridlock on the ever busy Oshodi Apapa Express way, the service lane has been like this for over for days without the intervention of any government officials. 

The tanker drivers, who we are yet to confirm what they are waiting for seems not to see any thing wrong with their presence at that services lane.

According to some of the people who spoke with Bloom Gist's Mike Ikenwa, since this people are parking there, business has really slowed down.
we are praying for government to intervene and do something because its affecting us
A keke marwa driver. who uses the lane on daily basis, driving some Ijesha Bus stop to Cele told Mike that it's very difficult for the them to go more than 6 rounds in a day since those tankers started parking their. "Since tankers started parking here, it's very hard for us to make up to six trips in a day because they are blocking our lane. Sometime when we are driving towards Cele, another big vehicle will be coming towards Ijesha and its just a small lane, what we will need to do in that situation is to drive back to where we will clear for the big vehicle to pass before we will continue, we are praying for government to intervene and do something because its affecting us.

One of the  driver, Kunle Shonekan who spoke with us said that since they are parking from Sanya to Apapa, the only solution for the drivers that plies Oshodi to Mile 2 is to pass through FESTAC town to get mile to but since this other set of tanker drivers started parking from Cele to Sanya, on the service lane, it has really owrsen the situation because there's no other alternative for the bus drivers and this has made so many drivers to park their buses, waiting for the day the road will clear.

"This new partner is really affecting us o, how can this set start parking in the only free road left for commercial drivers? because of this tankers most people no longer enter buses again, some prefer to trek while some go for okada (Bysical). Most bus drivers has parked their buses waiting for the day the road will clear, its even worst this recent fuel scarcity, how can you buy a littre of fuel N120 stay of traffic for over three hours for one trip that is suppose to take 15 minutes or less? Lagos Government should do something."

On the fuel scarcity in Lagos, some people who run their business at Ijesha Express has called on the Federal Government to do something concerning the fuel scarcity that is about to drag the country to it's knees.

A shoe maker who spoke to BloomNews said since the fuel crisis started, it has been so difficult for him and his family, according to him, its better to not come out in a day than to come out under the sun and gfo home without anything for you family.

"Since this scarsity of fuel began, I can't same how ashamed I am as a family man, I survive by mending people's shoes on the road, but since this scarcity began, I can't tell if it's the fuel that powers peoples shoes that they no longer bring for mending or they no longer wear shoes".

When asked if he believe that aPresident Buhari will really change the way things are in Nigeria he said "Yes, I beleive he (Buhari) will change the current situation in the country, I voted for him, not becauase I want to vote out PDP or Jonthan, but because I beleive in Buhari and his 'Change Agenda', I know nobody can build and change Nigeria in a day so we we need to be patient with him and give him to put things together."

Another person, a newspaper vendor who spke with us said that he can clearly confirm to us that it's only newspaper business that has been moving slowly since the election period, according to him, many people now prefer to come to the newspaper stand and check the headlines and the live than to buy them.

"Since the fuel crisis began, people only came to newspaper stands just to raed the headlines and go, nobody want to know if the price of the newspapers has increased of decreased, they will come to stand, read the headlines, argue over the hot topics and lives, only few of them buys them."

When asked what thinks about the Buhari's administration so far he said:

"To me, I think the new president has been very slow, this is almost his 30 days in office and he has not even named his carbinate, all we keep hearing everyday is excuses on how Jonathan failed do this or how he did that wrong, He is slow, and a good president should be running with people's speed, so he should fasten up and impress thos who voted for him because some of them have started getting disappointed with him."


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