Thursday 23 July 2015

Turkish army officer hit in a fierce shooting with ISIL

Unknown | Thursday, July 23, 2015 |
Bloom Gist: Earlier today, Turkish state news reported that armed men attacked Turkish police in the Kurdish city of Diyarbakir [Getty Images]
Reports said one Turkish army officer has been killed and two soldiers injured in cross-border gunfire with Syria.

Turkish media on Thursday reported that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) shot at the Turkish army in Kilis, a Turkish border town, which led to the casualties.

Anadolu News Agency said Turkish army immediately retaliated by attacking an ISIL base on Syrian territory, killing at least one fighter.
The agency could not confirm what weapons were used in the ISIL attack.

Clashes have been continuing, with the Turkish army heavily targeting ISIL targets in Syria.

Anadolu News Agency told Bloom Gist that the wounded sergeants, Fatih Kurt and Necef Cakmaktepe, have been taken to Kilis State Hospital and are in stable condition, he added.

Official sources said a pickup truck carrying 10 heavily armed Daesh members opened fire on Turkish troops stationed at a mountain border outpost.

Officials had revealed that Turkish forces responded by targeting positions across the border. Sources added that one Daesh militant was killed, whose body was carried into the outpost yard.

The incident, which took place in Turkey’s southeastern Sanliurfa province, near the Syrian border, came after the murder of two policemen on Wednesday and a deadly suicide bombing in Suruc on Monday that killed 32 people.


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