Friday 24 July 2015

Two people dead as gunman attacks cinema in US

Unknown | Friday, July 24, 2015 |
Bloom Gist: Gunman opens fire in deadly attack at US cinema
At least two people have been killed as gunman reportedly opened fire at a movie theater in the US state of Lousiana, killing at least two people and injuring seven others, before shooting himself.

Reports said the shooting took place on Thursday night at the Grand Theatre in the city of Lafayette, Clay Henry, vice president of operations for Acadian Ambulance said.

Henry said people were brought to the hospital and that two, including the gunman, were pronounced dead on arrival.

The local police chief said later that the death toll was three, including the shooter.

City Marshal Brian Pope said the shooter turned the gun on himself after firing at the others, and that six people were injured.

The shooting happened about 20 minutes into a 7:00pm showing of the movie "Train Wreck,"

"We heard a loud pop we thought was a firecracker," Domingue told the newspaper. Domingue said she saw "an older white man" standing up and shooting down into the theater, but not in her direction.

"He wasn't saying anything. I didn't hear anybody screaming either," Domingue said.

Domingue told the newspaper she heard about six shots before she and her fiance ran to the nearest exit.


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