Monday 3 August 2015

French police uses tear gas to clear migrants off tunnels

Unknown | Monday, August 03, 2015 |
French police uses tear gas to clear migrants off tunnels
Reports said French riot police have used tear gas to disperse migrants who attempted to cross the Eurotunnel from Calais into Britain.

The migrants broke down several levels of fencing by the tunnel's entrance but French riot police responded by moving them away from a motorway and spraying them with tear gas.

Thousands of migrants have tried to make it into the tunnel in recent weeks with hopes of finding a way onto a train or lorry headed for Britain. At least 10 migrants have died attempting the dangerous journey since June.

More than 200 migrants tried to cross the undersea tunnel from Calais on Sunday.

'Top priority' 

The interior ministers of France and Britain released a joint statement on Sunday, saying that the crisis that has choked traffic on both sides of the tunnel and harmed trade was a "top priority".

Both countries are committed to tackling the problem together and have beefed up security to deter further bids by desperate migrants to smuggle themselves to Britain, the statement said.

"Tackling this situation is the top priority for the UK and French governments. We are committed and determined to solve this, and to solve it together," Bernard Cazeneuve and his British counterpart Theresa May wrote in a statement published in France's Journal Du Dimanche and in Britain's Telegraph newspaper.

The statement came a day after pro and anti-migrant protesters clashed at the Eurotunnel terminal in the British city of Folkestone.
The migrants broke down several levels of fencing by the tunnel's entrance
The migrants broke down several levels of fencing by the tunnel's entrance [Photo: Reuters]
But members of Folkestone United, a residents' group, campaigned for better treatment of migrants trying to reach the UK and said Channel Tunnel authorities and British politicians had to do more to save migrant lives

"There are a lot of people that feel the way I do, which is that migration is a force for good and we need to do more to treat our fellow human beings with respect," Bridget Chapman, Folkestone United spokesperson said.


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