Saturday 31 October 2015

Peoples’ Protection Units kill civilians in northern Syria

Unknown | Saturday, October 31, 2015 | |
Report published Tuesday says the Arab and Turkmen populations in northern Syria have faced human rights abuses in areas controlled by armed Kurdish group, the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG).

The report which was contained in a 22-page report, the Syrian Network for Human Rights said abuses against Arabs, Turkmen and Assyrians had been taking place in Al-Hasakah province since February.

Tthe YPG have killed 47 civilians, including eight women and nine children, in the last six months and detained 612 people, including 19 children, the reports said.

Villages have been destroyed, crops burned or stolen and fields leveled with bulldozers in a bid to force people away from their homes.

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According to the report, the group was attempting to justify its actions as part of the war against Daesh in the same way the Syrian regime talked about its actions as part of a war on terrorism.

Listing more than 70 villages that had been forcibly evacuated, the network said tens of thousands of people -- mostly Arabs -- had been displaced by the YPG.

It said the YPG had been forcing people away from their homes from the "very first day of its establishment" and said the "forced migration policy" had been recently intensified.

The network said the 8,000 Turkmen in Al-Hasakah province had all been exposed to human rights abuses.

It added that the YPG prevented people from returning home and looted and destroyed evacuated homes.

The report also carried detailed interviews with those forced from their homes as well as videos and photographs.

Source: Agencies


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