Friday 30 October 2015

Policewoman receives Obama's praise after dancing-off fight

Unknown | Friday, October 30, 2015 |
The pair competed to see who had the better dance routine on condition that if the officer won the girl and her friends left the area
A Washington police officer has received praises from President Barack Obama after defusing a confrontation between teenagers by challenging one of them to a dance-off.

The policewoman had asked a crowd to disperse when a 17-year-old girl walked up to her while dancing to Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) – and the cop confidently told the teenager that she had better moves.

The pair competed to see who had the better dance routine on condition that if the officer won the girl and her friends left the area.

Step for step, the officer matched Aaliyah Taylor's dancing and the contest continued for several minutes.

The context after Aaliyah got tired and once the competitors hugged, everyone cleared the area.

After watching the video, Barack Obama who tweeted: "Who knew community policing could involve the Nae Nae? Great example of police having fun while keeping us safe."

Source: Bloom Gist


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