Tuesday 10 November 2015

Turkish security forces detains Daesh, PKK suspects

Unknown | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | |
Turkish security forces detains Daesh, PKK suspects
Turkish military Monday announced that Turkish security forces detained 12 suspected Daesh members in southeastern Gaziantep province on Sunday.

"Twelve individuals who are members of Daesh terrorist organization were taken into custody in Karkamis district, Gaziantep," Turkish General Staff said in a statement on its website.

It added that a PKK terrorist was also detained in southeastern Sirnak province Sunday.

The statement also said that two PKK members were killed in an operation in southeastern Diyarbakir province’s Silvan district Saturday.

Security forces in the country have since July been conducting anti-terrorist operations across Turkey after a Daesh suicide bombing killed 33 people in Sanliurfa province on July 20. Another blast killed more than 100 people in Ankara on Oct. 10.

Source: Agencies


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