Monday 24 March 2014


Unknown | Monday, March 24, 2014 |
One afternoon when Jude had gone to work, Mommy Faith sat Blessing down to give her this lecture…

Mommy Faith: Blessing, how are you?
Blessing: I am fine o
Mommy Faith: How is it going?
Blessing: Fine o
Mommy Faith:  I hope you are enjoying your marriage?
Blessing: Yes o
Mommy Faith: and the other one?
Blessing: Which one?
Mommy Faith: You know jor
Blessing: Say it, because I don’t know what you are talking about
Mommy Faith: the main the main; I hope it is sweeter now that it is official?
Blessing: hahahaha…leave me alone
Mommy Faith: let me go straight to why I wanted to see you
Blessing: I hope all is well?
Mommy Faith: Do you know your husband is still seeing Pat?
Blessing: Who told you?
Mommy Faith: I wasn’t told.  I saw them.
Blessing: Really, where?
Mommy Faith: Calm down. I called you to show you how to teach them a lesson
Blessing: Tell me where you saw them first. I will teach them a lesson in my own way.
Mommy Faith: You know that Eatery before that Catholic church where those keke people park?
Blessing: Yes
Mommy Faith: Yes, that place.
Blessing: You saw with your eyes or what?
Mommy Faith: Look at this one o, so if didn’t see them, do you think I will bother myself?
Blessing: Okay. No problem. I have heard you.
Mommy Faith: I hear they usually go there Sunday evenings
Blessing: Okay.
Mommy Faith: See, you are still young to start tolerating this kind of rubbish.
Blessing: So what do you expect me to do?
Mommy Faith: Confront your husband; let him know you have discovered his dirty tricks
Blessing: Without any concrete evidence?
Mommy Faith: What other evidence do you want? I am your evidence.
Blessing: Mommy Faith you are telling me to confront my husband without any evidence.
Mommy Faith: Hmmm…so you don’t trust me?
Blessing: Even if I trust, how do you expect me to confront Jude just because you told me to?
Mommy Faith: See young woman, I know why I’m telling you this
Blessing: Why?
Mommy Faith: Do you know another woman has a child for my husband? I was warned before it happened. I thought the woman that warned me was up to something. It dawned on me that she was indeed saying the truth. Young women should learn to protect their families. If you like do something, if you like do nothing.
Blessing:  Thank you for the information

The following day, Mommy Feyi called Blessing aside…
Mommy Feyi: I saw you discussing with Mommy Feyi. Whatever the discussion, it was a long one.
Blessing: Yeah. But it was private discussion.
Mommy Feyi: Okay. You have to be careful how you relate with her.
Blessing: Hmmm…Why?
Mommy Feyi: Are you aware Mommy Faith is Juliet’s friend?
Blessing: no
Mommy Feyi: That is what I am talking about. Juliet is working hard to see your marriage doesn’t work. Whatever Mommy Faith tells you about your husband, make sure you verify before taking action. Or better still, I will advise you to keep your distance from her.  I don’t want to say more than that; but with time you will hear all the things she said about your husband.
Blessing: Hmm… I’m confused now.
As if Jude knew the women have been discussing him; when Jude returned from work that evening, he called his wife for a discussion. “I need you to steer clear of Mommy Faith and Mommy Feyi. Those women cannot be your friends.” All effort to find out what they did to him was fruitless.
The entire thing looked all wobbled up and messy to Blessing. “There must be something these three are struggling to hide from me” Blessing told herself.  The more she looked to find a clue, the more confused she became.


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