Wednesday 14 May 2014

Read What South West Delegate Tells President Jonathan About Northern Nigeria

Unknown | Wednesday, May 14, 2014 |
* Leader of Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau
As the country continue to strategise on how to rescue the 276 secondary school girls kidnapped by the Boko Haram sects in Chibok, Borno State, one of the delegates representing the South West at the ongoing National Conference, Salvador Adegoke Moshood, has warned President Goodluck Jonathan to beware of the north.

According to the delegate, some elements in the norther Nigeria are using the insurgent attacks to derail President Jonathan’s Presidency so as to pave the way for the region to regain the presidency.

Moshood, while speaking with The Vanguard, stated that the declaration by certain northern leaders to make the Jonathan Presidency ungovernable was almost being realised with the raging war being waged by the north’s Boko Haram insurgents. Continue...

He advised the Presidency not to treat the rising wave of insurgency from the North with kid gloves, saying doing so would embolden the perpetrators and sponsors of the terrorist organisation.

The former House of Representatives member from Lagos State, advised President Jonathan to ensure that all the financiers, collaborators and members of the terror group are severely punished in order to send a clear warning to potential members.
* President Jonathan warned to beware people of northern Nigeria 
The delegate, who represents Ethnic Nationalities at the confab, warned the president not to rely on the votes of the core north for his re-election in 2015 but to aim votes from the South and North-Central Nigeria as well as those of some Northern Christian communities.

Moshood said that President Jonathan would earn the support and votes of more Nigerians if he takes drastic action to end the menace being perpetuated by Boko Haram in Nigeria.


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