Wednesday 14 May 2014

Unbelievable: Nigerian Supporters Club Demand 62 million Condoms in preparation for Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup

Unknown | Wednesday, May 14, 2014 |
* President of The Nigeria Supporters Club, Rafiu Ladipo
President of The Nigeria Supporters Club, Rafiu Ladipo, has asked the United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) to increase their condom allocation to 62 million condoms for their fans making the trip to Brazil.

UNAIDS Country Director Bilali Camara had originally organized two million condoms for the Super Eagles supporters.

However Ladipo has said that the two million wont do for the entire tournament especially if the Eagles reach the final. Continue after the cut...

He said: “Of all football loving fans all around the world, I alone will be taking over 10,000 fans to Brazil, not only from Nigeria,"

“You know that Nigeria will be playing their first three matches and there is going to be a match between Nigeria and Argentina.

“By the time we play that match, we will regard it as the match that will also qualify us to play Brazil in Rio de Janeiro during the final.

“If that is achieved, we want to be protected; we must be protected.

“So, I want to urge you (UNAIDS) to provide more condoms,’’ he added.

In February Ladipo had asked the Federal government for N800 million to take 800 people to the tournament, so with the recent figure of 10,000 people is astounding.


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