Tuesday 8 July 2014


Unknown | Tuesday, July 08, 2014 |
Dear son,

It has become necessary to write this letter to you at this time. I should have written this before now; however, I know it is not late yet.

I have taken my time to study the situations in the country, especially the economic situation. I have also studied the economic policies of both the present and past governments especially over the last ten years. This letter is borne out of those studies.

I know you very well my son, your mother and I are very proud of your academic achievements and your pursuit of excellence. We have no doubt that you have a very bright future ahead of you. Click continue reading to read more...

Dear son, to ensure that that future is not jeopardized in any way, please pay attention to what you are going to read in this next few lines.

Dear son, we want to bring to your notice that gone are the days when a beautiful curriculum vitae fetched better paying jobs. Gone are the days graduating as the best student meant instant employment. Gone are the days when candidates were employed purely based on merit. The Nigeria of today requires one to have long legs before the academic qualification could count. The Nigeria of today places emphasis on who knows who to get the juicy jobs in town.

So here is the crux of this letter. Firstly, I will advise you to pay closer attention to your studies. Graduate as one of the best students of your time. It is a beautiful thing. It looks beautiful and sounds sweet on CVs too. However, I am most interested in your graduating with something more beautiful than a CV and certificate. Consider strongly to graduate with a beautiful business plan. A business plan that can be implemented immediately you leave school. That is what today’s Nigeria requires, that is what today’s economic situation is suggesting.

So to say it exactly the way I wanted to say it, do not graduate with a beautiful CV and certificate only. Please endeavour to graduate with a brilliant business plan also, for therein lies your advantage in life.

We love you.

Your father



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