Friday 4 July 2014

Photos: Soldiers on rampage in Palmgrove, damage BRT buses

Unknown | Friday, July 04, 2014 |
Some soldiers are currently causing chaos in the Palmgroove area of Lagos. An eye-witness said trouble started when a BRT bus hit a soldier on a bike. Nobody knows if the soldier died (though there are indications that he may have been crushed to death) but other soldiers immediately arrived the scene and started stopping all BRT buses on the express beating drivers and sending passengers out. Beating even passers-by who move too close to them or take pictures.

According the eye-witness who sent in the photos, two civilians were allegedly beaten up and a guy who was taking pictures was beaten and his phone smashed on the express road.

Then the soldiers allegedly started vandalizing the buses! According to the source, some soldiers left the express and took big sticks from women cooking by the road to break the glasses of the bus. Then one of them took stones and allegedly threw it into the crowd twice. Now the whole express is blocked. See photos from the chaos after the cut...


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