Tuesday 8 July 2014

U.N. Recognizes Gay Marriage for all Staff

Unknown | Tuesday, July 08, 2014 |

The United Nations has announced that henceforth, it will recognize the gay marriages of all its staff members. Read more after the cut...

Ban Ki-moon, U.N. Secretary, made the announcement on Monday.

Before this new development, the U.N. only used to recognize gay unions from staff members who came from countries where gay marriage is legal, abc News reports.

The new policy means that the gay spouses of the organization’s employees will be entitled to a variety of benefits including health insurance coverage and the opportunity to accompany spouses on home leave.

“Too many of us have suffered under the previous policy. Too many of us have been unable to secure, for example, residency visas and health benefits for our spouses because of a discriminatory policy that would refuse to recognize our legal partners. Let us just enjoy this moment, this huge victory,” said Hyung Hak Nam President of UN-Globe, a group representing LGBT staff members at the U.N.


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