Friday 13 March 2015


ILE KATHERINE | Friday, March 13, 2015 |
Every human is as valuable as the diamonds we seek; the beggers on the streets to the sick people in the hospitals and even those we call "Irrelevant", there is a reason they are where they are and you are where you are. God is not stupid and neither does he love some of his children enough to give them all they need and make the others under privileged, every human being on this earth has a purpose in life and until you discover that purpose,  I'm sorry to say this but you are just as useless as the fleet of cars in your compound that you barely use.

 In life we meet people for a reason; either to raise them or for them to raise us, when you meet a poor man on the street and you have it all, he is not opportuned to meet you but you are opportuned to meet him and it is only natural that you fulfill you purpose for meeting him if not you are as useless as the stagnant clock in your sitting room.

People are meant to be loved and things to be used but in today's world, the reverse is the case, people use people and love things and that is just despicable,  nobody is brought into your life to break you but to make you stronger; so why don't we appreciate every single human being today and give them the respect we seek??? Every body would have to work hard enough to get to that place they want to be but some as hard working as they are do not have the opportunities that others have and those opportunities that have been granted to those who have them weren't given for you alone but for you to touch and save lives with it.

So therefore every human we meet is relevant in living upto our purpose in life and until you touch a life today you are as worthless as the ten billion dollar suit hanging in your wardrobe as you can only proudly put on that suit when you have touched lives and if the reverse is the case then I'm sorry but you are yet to discover your purpose in life. Whatever you do always remember that God is not stupid and there is a reason he has given you all that you have.


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