Thursday 12 March 2015


ILE KATHERINE | Thursday, March 12, 2015 |
There is a reason God created Adam before he created Eve and there is also a reason God created Eve out of Adam....A man is only strong to an extent but a woman literally carries the man on her back just as a mother carries her new born child.....The woman was made to support the man and be a back bone to him.....She was made to be a Queen for her King and not a King.....As  a woman has the power to build and to destroy....To unite and to separate....To heal and also to kill but as powerful as the woman is she can also be easily broken by a man and this is because she was made out of a man so only a man can break her.....The man is the king and the woman is the Queen,

she carries the king on her back like a new born child and not the other way around so when a woman calls herself king....she indirectly says the man is the Queen and carries her on his back like a new born baby.....One thing we fail to understand is "THE KING RULES OVER THE KINGDOM AND THE QUEEN HAS POWER OVER THE KING" one which she can only get by giving total respect to her King.....

Wives hold their husbands' hands and pray for them....This prayers keep them and Mothers respect their sons and pray for them which also keeps them.....when a woman is angry she can bring down a house and it takes more than just a word to calm her down so never underestimate the power of woman and the woman also should never forget the reason why she is called "QUEEN" and not "KING".....When you break a woman.....You break some part of your soul because a drop of her tears goes a long way upto the heavens.....So the more you make her cry....The more pieces your soul gets broken into.

 Therefore a woman has the power to break a man and also to make him.....But a real Queen uses her power to make a man and not break him.


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