Thursday 16 April 2015


Unknown | Thursday, April 16, 2015 |
There are two people that can come together to become one flesh; a husband and a wife. Wedlock is an office ordained by God, a Holy union, wherein the husband serves the wife and the wife the husband. The worst thing a man can do is marry the wrong woman.

Proverbs 27:15, "On a stormy day drops of rain drive a man out of his house; so also does a railing woman drive a man out of his house."

Nothing can be more miserable than having to spend every day of your life with an evil woman.
What does it mean to be a godly woman? If you are married, this is what you must strive to be. If you are not married this is what you must orientate yourself to be. The duties of the wife can be narrowed down to really two thing. The first duty that a good wife must fulfil is help her man.

Help the Man In the beginning, when Almighty God made Adam,
Genesis 2:18, "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; let us make for him a help suitable to him."

God made someone to come alongside of him, co-responding to him, to work with him, to accomplish the Divine goal that God has given man. The duty of a good wife, who wants to see a strong marriage and family, is to be the counterpart to her mate in such a way that that which God has given the both of them, she must be by his side as his helper. She is not just some extra on the side, she is an indispensable part of His Divine plan.

One of the causes why so many men are miserable and why so many marriages fail is because the woman is not out to help him, she's using the marriage to help herself. She has a faulty view of the relationship. Instead of being his partner and coming alongside to increase their relationship with God, she becomes a part of the opposition, not cooperating with God's agenda for the family, but using it as a launching pad for her own purposes. And when a woman loses site that God's first expectation of her in relationship to her husband is to be his helper, then a negative atmosphere is created in the household that is difficult to overcome.

So the question is, “What does a helper look like?” Now, the assumption, ladies, is that if God expects you to help your man, the understanding is your man needs help! Admittedly, men are not complete in and of themselves. That's the purpose God created women. So, if you are finding fault with your man, he needs help; and guess who the helper is. If you are saying, “My man is messed up!” Guess who the helper is. You cannot complain that he is not what he ought to be if you're not fulfilling your role as the helper! God made you the helper because man desperately needs help. He desperately needs someone to come alongside who will be different than him, in order to complete him, thereby fulfilling the Divine plan of God.

So, whenever the faults of your husband shows up, there are opportunities for you to fulfill your scriptural duty; not simply to fuss and cuss about how messed up he is, but to analyze the kind of helper God has called you to be. In fact, if you are the complete opposite of your husband, wonderful! That means you can fill in all the blank spots where he needs help. That's not an opportunity for disgust, but an opportunity for godly assistance. You are the one to help mold and shape him into the man that God ultimately wants him to be in order to carry out the agenda of the household.


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