Wednesday 1 July 2015

Greece goes on default as Country Misses IMF Payment deadline

Unknown | Wednesday, July 01, 2015 |
With its failure to repay the roughly $1.8bn to the IMF, Greece became the first developed country to fall into arrears on payments to the fund. The last country to do so was Zimbabwe in 2001.
Greece has slipped deeper into its financial abyss after failing to repay a loan due to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the bailout programme it has relied on for five years expired at midnight on Tuesday.
With its failure to repay the roughly $1.8bn to the IMF, Greece became the first developed country to fall into arrears on payments to the fund. The last country to do so was Zimbabwe in 2001.

After Greece made a last-ditch effort to extend its bailout, eurozone finance ministers decided in a teleconference late on Tuesday that there was no way they could reach a deal before the deadline.

Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbleom said "It would be crazy to extend the programme,"  Jeroen Dijsselbleom heads the eurozone finance ministers' body known as the Eurogroup. said "So that cannot happen and will not happen and the programme has expired tonight."
A resident of the country told Bloom Gist that many pro-EU protesters put the blame for Greece's predicament on Tsipras.
Many pro-EU protesters put the blame for Greece's predicament on Tsipras.
IMF spokesman Gerry Rice confirmed that Athens had missed its payment deadline.

"We have informed our executive board that Greece is now in arrears and can only receive IMF financing once the arrears are cleared," he said.

He said the board would consider a Greek request to extend the loan.

Overall, Greece owes the IMF close to $40bn.
RELATED: Greece Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras urges voters to say no to austerity proposals by the country's lenders
In Athens on Tuesday, thousands of Greeks rallied in favour of the country remaining with the EU, in contrast to anti-EU protests on Monday.

The European Commission - one of Greece's "troika" of creditors along with the IMF and the eurozone's European Central Bank - wants Athens to raise taxes and cut welfare spending to meet its debt obligations.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has called a referendum on Sunday on whether to reject creditors' reform demands.

A resident of the country told Bloom Gist that many pro-EU protesters put the blame for Greece's predicament on Tsipras.

"They say he's playing a dangerous position and putting his party's interests above his country," our correspondent said.

"There are wildly different predictions on how Greeks will vote in a referendum. All we do know is that the divisions in this society are growing deeper and deeper."
Failure to resolve the debt crisis this week forced the Athens market, like the country's banks, to close, and people have queued at cash machines.

Greece has debt worth nearly 180 percent of its GDP after receiving two bailouts worth $266bn since 2010.


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