Wednesday 8 July 2015

Greece prepared to roll out pension and tax reforms as demanded by European creditors

Unknown | Wednesday, July 08, 2015 |
The letter which was signed by newly appointed Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, appeared aimed at giving Greece some breathing room to work out a new, broader bailout deal with its eurozone creditors.
Greek government has said it is prepared to roll out pension and tax reforms as early as next week, as demanded by European creditors, in return for a three-year bailout package to save its economy from collapse.

"We propose to immediately implement a set of measures as early as the beginning of next week including: tax reform related measures; pension related measures" if the loan from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) was forthcoming, the finance ministry said in a letter sent on Wednesday to the eurozone bailout fund.

The letter which was signed by newly appointed Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, appeared aimed at giving Greece some breathing room to work out a new, broader bailout deal with its eurozone creditors.
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The ESM was set up as a lender of last resort for eurozone states to ensure the stability of the European single currency.

Tsakalotos said in his letter he wanted to tap the ESM "to meet Greece's debt obligations and to ensure stability of the financial system".

He stressed that his country was "committed to a comprehensive set of reforms and measures," specifically on the critical issues of pensions and taxes - both of which the creditors have demanded changes to.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras

Earlier on Wednesday, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras received applause and cheers as he addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg, calling for a fair deal from creditors.

"We demand an agreement with our neighbours, but one which gives us a sign that we are, on a long-lasting basis, exiting from the crisis which will demonstrate to us that there is light at the end of the tunnel."

Al Jazeera's John Psaropoulos, reporting from Athens, said the government of Tsipras has offered "nothing new" in the latest plan.

The government's room for manoeuvre, however, is restricted by Sunday's referendum which showed Greek voters overwhelmingly opposed to further cuts under the austerity terms demanded by the creditors.

Tsakalotos' letter did not explicitly say that Greece would cut pension spending - and especially limit access to early retirement - or raise sales tax nationwide to 23 percent, as creditors want.

The finance minister confirmed Tsipras' promise to present the Greek government's reform proposals in detail to its eurozone partners on Thursday.

"Greece is committed to honour its financial obligations to all of its creditors in a full and timely manner," the finance minister wrote.


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