Monday 6 July 2015

ISIL recaptures Ayn Issa and surrounding areas from Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG)

Unknown | Monday, July 06, 2015 |
ISIL fighters have seized a Syrian town back from Kurdish-led forces near Raqqa city, recovering ground near the armed group's de facto capital two days after it was pummelled in heavy US-led air strikes, a monitor said.
ISIL fighters have seized a Syrian town back from Kurdish-led forces near Raqqa city, recovering ground near the armed group's de facto capital two days after it was pummelled in heavy US-led air strikes, a monitor said.

On Monday the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that ISIL forces had taken Ayn Issa and surrounding areas from Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which only seized the town from the armed group control two weeks ago.

US officials said the air strikes in Raqqa city over the weekend were some of the most intense to date against ISIL in Syria.
Reports said an attack by large numbers of ISIL fighters on YPG positions in the area about 50km north of Raqqa city.
US officials said the air strikes in Raqqa city over the weekend were some of the most intense to date against ISIL in Syria.

Deadly clashes took place on Monday between YPG forces and ISIL fighters for control of Syria's northeastern Hasakah province.

ISIL has claimed it killed at least 50 Kurdish fighters during the clashes on Monday, after they reportedly captured several checkpoints in Hasakah city's suburbs, sources said.

Two car bombs exploded near government checkpoints in southern Hasakah, killing at least 11 government forces.
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Syrian government warplanes have bombed southern Hasakah repeatedly over the past few days, targeting ISIL strongholds near al-Ahdath prison and an electricity tower.

ISIL launched its offensive on the northeastern province, which borders Turkey, on June 25.

ISIL moved closer to Hasakah city last month, but the city remains under opposition and YPG control.


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