Monday 6 July 2015

We’ll not tolerate injustice and political harassment of any Nigerian – President Buhari Warns

Unknown | Monday, July 06, 2015 |

President Muhammadu Buhari gave an assurance Saturday in Abuja that his administration will ensure that all cases of political assassinations, intimidation and kidnappings in the country are thoroughly investigated and the perpetrators speedily brought to justice, irrespective of their political affiliations.

Addressing State Chairmen of the All Progressives Congress (APC) at a parley in the Presidential Villa, President Buhari declared that he remains fully committed to providing a level playing field for all Nigerians to get on with their daily lives or participate in electing their leaders, without fear of intimidation.

The President said that his administration will continuously strengthen Nigeria’s criminal justice system to curb the reign of injustice and impunity in the country.

“At every point, the law must be supreme and everyone must respect the law, if our democratic system is to survive.

“Injustice cannot survive for long. Justice will ultimately prevail. We will make sure that those saddled with the responsibility of ensuring justice and equity do not rest on their oars.

“The only way we can sustain our democracy is to ensure that the law remains supreme at all times. If the law is upheld, people will have confidence that they can vote for who they want to vote for, without intimidation or threats. People must have protection to exercise their rights freely or we could be headed for anarchy.

“The police and the judiciary must ensure that justice is done in the country. We won’t allow impunity to continue in certain states, where the rights of the people are being violated.

“I have a personal commitment to fair play and respect of personal rights. This government will do all that is possible to enforce that.

“My address to National Executive Council of the APC was very clear. We are now in the frontline. We are the party in government. We must lead by good example and consolidate on the gains of our democratic system,’’ President Buhari said.

The President urged the APC State Chairmen and other political leaders in the country keep to prescribed legal processes for the resolution of political disputes and never resort to violence, criminality and other forms of unacceptable behavior in seeking redress for any perceived injustice.

He also called on the state chairmen to work with the party’s elected officials to ensure that the APC delivers on its promise of better living conditions for all Nigerians.

The leader of the delegation and Chairman of the APC in Kano State, Umar Dogowa, said that the APC State Chairmen were on a visit to the Presidential Villa to reaffirm their support for President Buhari and his administration .

Dogowa assured the President that the state chairmen would uphold the values of the party, promote peace and unity in the country, and also ensure that APC elected members live fulfill their promises to Nigerians.

Some of the APC State Chairmen in states controlled by other parties had complained to President Buhari of political intimidation and harassment.

Amplification of comments on negotiations with Boko Haram

Most wars, however furious or vicious, often end around the negotiation table. So, if Boko Haram opts for negotiation, the government will not be averse to it.

Government will, however, not be negotiating from a position of weakness, but that of strength. The machinery put in place, and which will be set in motion soon, can only devastate and decapitate insurgency.

It is multinational in nature, and relief is on the way for Nigeria and her neighbours. President Muhammadu Buhari is resolute. He has battled and won insurgency before, he is poised to win again. It is a promise he made to Nigerians, and he is a promise keeper.

But I say again, if the insurgents want to negotiate, no decent government will be averse to such. Didn't the Taliban and Americans also negotiate in Afghanistan?

Calls for a more effective global coalition against terrorism

Buhari has called on the international community to unite and forge a stronger worldwide consensus for more effective action against global terrorism.

In a condolence message to the government and people of Egypt on the recent murder by terrorists of the country's Attorney General, Hesham Barakat, and the killing of about 70 Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Peninsula, President Buhari restated his conviction that concerted global action was needed to overcome terrorism in all parts of the world.

President Buhari said that having borne the pain of terrorist attacks themselves for many years, Nigerians shared the anguish of Egyptians as they mourn their compatriots who lost their lives in Cairo and the Sinai Peninsula.

While condoling the government of Egypt and the families of the victims, President Buhari reaffirmed Nigeria's commitment to working with other countries facing terrorists' threats to overcome the scourge of violent extremism.

No country, the President added, can afford to be indifferent to the threats of terrorism because of its pervasive and destructive nature.

Attacks on places of worship; FG will defend right to freedom of worship 

Buhari has received with sadness, news of the dastardly bomb attack at a church on the outskirts of Potiskum, Yobe State earlier today.

President Buhari deeply regrets the unfortunate loss of lives in the attack and commiserates with all those who lost loved ones in the incident which also caused needless injury to others and damage to the church building.

The President wholly condemns the resumption of attacks by terrorists on places of worship which are highly revered places of prayer and communion with God for most Nigerians.

Nigerians are a very religious people and President Buhari believes that the terrorists who wantonly attack our places of worship have willfully declared war on all that we value, and must therefore be confronted with all our might and collective resolve.

The President reaffirms his administration’s total commitment to doing everything possible to eradicate Boko Haram, terrorism and mindless extremism from Nigeria in the shortest possible time.

President Buhari assures all Nigerians that terrorism will ultimately be defeated and full security restored in all parts of the country for people to safely practice their respective faiths with liberty wherever they may reside in the nation.

The Constitution gives all Nigerians that right and the present Administration will deploy all required force and resources to protect citizens’ right to freedom of worship.


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