Wednesday 8 July 2015

Russia launches 'safe selfie' campain in light of deaths

Unknown | Wednesday, July 08, 2015 |
Russian police have launched a campaign urging people to take safer selfies after about 100 were injured and dozens died this year in gruesome accidents while striking high-risk poses.
Russian police have launched a campaign urging people to take safer selfies after about 100 were injured and dozens died this year in gruesome accidents while striking high-risk poses.

Tuesday’s warning comes after a 21-year-old woman in Moscow accidentally shot herself in the head in May while taking a selfie while holding a pistol. She suffered head injuries but survived.

That was just one in a string of recent selfie-related accidents.

"A cool selfie could cost you your life," the interior ministry warned in a new leaflet packed with tips such as "a selfie with a weapon kills".
The campaign uses warning signs to explain the dangers of selfies [Russian Interior Ministry]
In January, two young men blew themselves up in the Ural Mountains while taking a selfie holding a hand grenade with the pin pulled out. The mobile phone with the selfie survived as a record.

Selfies have also led to "dozens of deadly accidents," Alexeyeva added.

"The problem really exists and leads to very unfortunate consequences."

The new campaign includes leaflets, a video and online advice on the ministry's website.

"Before taking a selfie, everyone should think about the fact that racing after a high number of 'likes' could lead him on a journey to death and his last extreme photo could turn out to be posthumous," Alexeyeva warned.


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