Thursday 3 December 2015

Trouble: Kim might kill Kylie after seeing this!

Unknown | Thursday, December 03, 2015 |
Trouble: Kim might kill Kylie after seeing this!
Hold on a second, but seriously: what's going on here?! Kylie could use some selfie tips from big sister Kim K, who's apparently the reigning queen of selfie.

There are those who advise against any use of the color green for your hair. Green is a gorgeous color -- well, not those yellow greens (sorry, chartreuse), but everything in the blue-green range is stunning and captivating. But you want to keep it away from your hair (unless you're dressing as the Joker or something). Why? Because it can bring to mind things like mold and mildew. Just ask Michelle Visage.

But that's not the issue with this selfie that Kylie Jenner reportedly took on thatgirlcarly's phone. Do you see the top of her head -- where we see her real hair?

Maybe it's the lighting, or maybe it's a little mistake with some dry shampoo, because we're pretty confident that, at 18, Kylie's way too young for premature gray. 

The occasional solid white hair from stress? Sure. But this looks like the sort of graying that hits some people in their 50s and others in their 70s.

Get it together, girl -- ol' Kim'd never let this kind of selfie faux pas happen.


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