Friday 11 April 2014

Must Read: 10 FACTS about BLACK People

Unknown | Friday, April 11, 2014 |

1. Not all dark skin man / woman is born in Africa, even though they might have African root; - its possible they have never been there and only saw it on TV just like you.

2. The BROWN SKIN has the same color as chocolate but is not chocolate - so please stop trying to eat it.... if you bite it, you will see blood :D. Continue after the cut...

3. Not all black men have huge c**k - girls beware and boys stop comparing or asking black girls about who is bigger in size....

4. Yes in Africa there are houses, cars, and people don't live on the trees

5. There are also rich Africans that can actually buy half of your country and won't still be broke - meaning not all of them are poor.

6.Africa has countries in it and they don't all speak the same language.... Oh and there are also schools in Africa.
7. Not all black people has seen lion face to face - lions don't walk on the street as most people would expect it to be... meaning they see them on TV like you do.
8. Because the skin is dark in colour doesn't mean its not soft - stop imagining those crazy things like it made of wood or iron.

9. Black girls have Afro hair and sometimes wear hair extensions: -boys deal with it and accept it if you want to be with one or you are with one.

10. Because some African food are eaten by hand doesn't mean we don't have spoons....


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